Native Grass and Wildflower Seed Mixes
Cost-Share CRP Mixes
These seed mixes will qualify for the different cost-share programs such as EQIP, CSP, & CRP. Typically these mixes will range from 20 – 40 seeds per square foot. FOR CRP SEED PRICING – GIVE US A CALL!

CP420-Monarch Mixes
We have Monarch 20, 30, & 40 species, with or without grasses as well. Monarch mixes are designed to create habitat for the dwindling populations of monarch butterflies. If you are planting for cost-share program, please send us your seed plan so we can spec the mix exactly as needed. You may use the “Advanced Seed Mix Quote” link below.

Pollinator Mixes
We can make any blend of pollinator mix to meet cost-share requirements but often we see Pollinator 14 and 20 species. These pollinator habitat mixes not only provide food, but also shelter in the winter months.

CP-42 (mix 1 & 2) Pollinator Habitat
The CP42 Pollinator Habitat Establishment practice is a conservation reserve program (CRP) practice to create environments where pollinators can thrive year round.
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for a custom Wildflower seeds or Prairie Grass Seed mix based on your project goals.

CP-4D (mix 1 – 3) Permanent Wildlife Habitat
CP4D Permanent Wildlife Habitat is a conservation reserve program (CRP) practice established to provide cover, nesting, & food for all kinds of animal species.

CP-21 Grass Filter Strips
CP21 Grass Filter Strips protect water quality by acting as a natural filter intercepting contaminants before they enter the water systems.

CP-23A Wetland Restoration
CP23A Wetland Restoration on floodplains improves water quality and creates critical habitat for wetland species.
Request A Quote
for a custom Wildflower seeds or Prairie Grass Seed mix based on your project goals.

CP-2 (mix 1 – 5) Native Grass, Forb, & Legumes
CP2 Native Grass, Forb, and Legume Establishment was designed as an effective means to control erosion, improve water quality and create habitat for grassland and game bird species.

CP-33 Upland Bird Habitat
CP33 Upland Bird Habitat Buffer is a conservation reserve program (CRP) practice to provide critical cover, nesting and food resources for targeted upland species.

512 Biomass/Forage
The 512 Biomass/Forage program is designed to create vegetation for grazing and browsing animals. The more the better!