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Turf Alternative-Sun


“Native seed is typically shipped between November – April”  “if you need your seed sooner, please call us to make alternate arrangements”

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Turf Alternative-Sun


“Native seed is typically shipped between November – April”  “if you need your seed sooner, please call us to make alternate arrangements”

Seed Mix Details:

Plant Seeds Guide : Composition Info

Forget the fescue! This plant seeds mix contains a variety of low growing native vegetation. Composed completely of grass and sedge, this mix is both practical and ornamental, offering nesting and winter cover for wildlife, such as cottontails and voles. Grasses also provide food for birds in the form of seeds, not to mention protection against soil erosion and runoff due to extensive root systems .

Included in this plant seeds mix are:

  • Blue Grama,
  • Buffalograss,
  • Prairie Junegrass
  • Poverty Grass,
  • Common Rush,
  • Sideoats Grama,
  • Plains Oval Sedge,
  • Fox Sedge


Looking for a seed mix more specific to your project?

We at Pure Air Natives would be happy to design a custom seed mix just for you!
For large native seed mix projects Click Here.
For all other requests please Contact Us.