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Crop Circles or Fire Breaks at St Louis Prairie Cemetery?

by | Aug 30, 2021 | Featured, Prairie Restoration, Restoration Habitat | 0 comments

Ever seen crop circles in St. Louis?

These aren’t actually crop circles! But they are natural fire breaks on an urban Prairie at Calvary Cemetery on Northside of St. Louis. This is true “restoration habitat” using the finest plant seeds selected from pure air remnants in the St Louis Metro area. The amazing bio diversity and vigor of this antique make it literally a one of kind prairie habitat. Click the image below

What are crop circles anyway?

Crop circles are amazing patterns that seemingly appear overnight on large farmlands. They have no simple explanation as to how they were made, man-made or machine, or if they were made by aliens (insert mysterious sound effects). They have been discovered and studied by scientists and enthusiasts for decades and in most cases they still are a mystery to human beings.


How does fire break differ from a crop circle?

There are fire breaks that occur naturally, but most farmers and ecologically minded (heros) like make them to stop the fires. To be specific, we’re talking about stopping wildfire. We create fire break (also known as a fire line) as a gap in brush , vegetation or other combustible material to act as a barrier to the fire. We believe in controlled burns on farmland, prairies, and forests habitats but sometimes we are entirely reactive when a wildfire gets out of control. See the video below as a good example of using a fire break to control a burn out of control.


At Pure Air Natives, we believe that every plant we put in the ground is an improvement to our environment. Having a plan in place for controlling fire breaks on your land is an important part of your prairie and farmland planning.

Want help preparing your fire break plans for your farm?

Contact Pure Air Natives


We sell the native plant seed necessary to carry forward our botanic heritage. Using locally sourced and produced native plant seeds mix we make an improvement in the environment with every planting. You can’t have a centuries old remnant tomorrow but you can get started if you #plantyourlegacy today!