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Happy Holid….. I mean Planting Season

by | Dec 19, 2019 | Broadcasting, Installation/Planting, Missouri, Pollinators, Prairie Restoration, Site Prep, Wildflowers/Forbs | 0 comments

While most of us are trying to get last minute Christmas shopping done and packing for any holiday traveling, there’s a lot going on in Mother Nature, including planting season for native herbaceous plants. Planting season is dictated by the onset of the dormant season which occurs when temperatures drop. After a few hard freezing temperatures, most plants begin their long winter sleep. As that happens, plants dry out and seeds are dropped and dispersed. Winter snowfalls are extremely helpful in ‘planting’ those native seeds.

The melting of the snow carries the seed down to the soil and as the ground freezes and thaws over days and weeks of winter, the soil expands and contracts which draws seed into the soil and effectively ‘plants’ it at the correct depth. That’s how Mother Nature has done it for thousands of years. And you can take advantage of this planting technique if you pay attention to the time and the weather.

How can you make planting a prairie easy, follow Mother Nature as she sets the table with snowfall. Throughout much of the Midwest, there is snow on the ground now. And right now is a great time to get out there and frost seed your prairie. Frost seeding is broadcasting seed into the snow and letting Mother Nature take care of the rest. I can be that simple. So the next time you see snow in the forecast, start making plans to head to the field with your bag of Pure Air Natives seed mix and #PlantYourLegacy.

Happy Planting Season!

-Pure Air Natives, Justin A
