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Missouri Natives Are Great For Use In An Urban Habitat

by | Oct 14, 2021 | Featured, Habitat, Missouri | 0 comments

Native species are useful in urban areas.

Using native plants to vegetate space works well across a variety of habitats utilized to:

  • Define property lines
  • Obscure sight lines
  • Provide visual cues to stakeholders

Did you know that you can use tall grasses like switch grass, big blue stem and Indian grass to prevent poachers from hunting from the road while?  You can also use native plants to hold slopes, discourage foot traffic and separate various land use areas.

forb habitat with switch grass-big blue stem-indian grass

When it comes to native seed and plants, the combinations and applications are infinite.   Pure Air Natives knows how to customize your seed mix for your specific purpose. With time-tested knowledge we use the best custom native seed mixes & plants available to do it right the first time.

Want help choosing the right tall grass seeds for your land?

Contact Pure Air Natives Today


At Pure Air Natives, we believe that every plant we put in the ground is an improvement to our environment. Having a good plan for your annual seeding is an important part of your prairie and farmland planning.