Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans) can be used to establish a prairie or savanna, or just added to your existing pasture for great livestock grazing.
- Plants are easy to grow and maintain. Spring seeding (April-May-June) of Indiangrass
is generally preferred. - When mature, the plant can be harvested for its benefits.
- Grasshoppers and caterpillars will feed on the blades of this plant.
- Birds find it an ideal nesting habitat because of its large seed head providing ample color and texture to plantings.
About PLS (Pure Live Seed)
Pure Air Natives tests all harvested seed for purity, germination, noxious weeds (state restricted), the dormancy. We only sell purest quality live seed that is going to germinate. (3rd Party Lab Tested)
Indiangrass is a perennial wildflower that grows six feet tall and blooms during the fall. It has a brilliant red-brown color, is resistant to deer and birds love the seeds. This variety is native to the central and eastern United States. ‘Cheyenne’ variety available.
*Call or email for special pricing for quantities above 20 pls pounds*
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