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Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium) are hardy Midwest native wildflowers with white, globe-like flower heads that resemble thistles. Also known as Beargrass, it wards off hungry deer, rabbits, and other grazing animals with rigid, spiny leaves resembling those of the yucca plant. This perennial can become invasive, being a prolific self-sower largely avoided by wildlife except for pollinators.
Rattlesnake Master grows 4 to 6 feet tall, and blooms from late spring to early autumn(June-Sept). It does well in moist, well drained soils, and prefers full sun conditions. It is located primarily in the Midwest of the United States and can be found growing alongside Prairie Blazing Star.
About PLS (Pure Live Seed)
Pure Air Natives tests all harvested seed for purity, germination, noxious weeds (state restricted), the dormancy. We only sell purest quality live seed that is going to germinate. (3rd Party Lab Tested)
Blooms July–September
Hardy to zone 3
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