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Goat’s Rue (Tephrosia virginiana)

Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $3.00.

Goat’s Rue is a lovely native wildflower with delicate, pinnate leaves and vibrant pink-purple blooms.

Approx 60  seeds per packet


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Goat’s Rue (Tephrosia virginiana) is a botanical treasure that graces your garden with its unique charm and delicate beauty. This native wildflower not only adds a touch of elegance to your outdoor space but also plays a vital role in supporting local wildlife, making it an essential choice for nature enthusiasts.

What Does Goat’s Rue Look Like? Goat’s Rue stands at a modest height, typically reaching 1 to 3 feet, adorned with pinnately compound leaves and clusters of lovely, lavender to pink blossoms. These captivating blooms are a delightful sight for both humans and a variety of pollinators, including butterflies and bees. This perennial wildflower thrives in a range of garden settings, from open meadows to natural landscapes.

Ideal Soil Requirements:

  • Medium / Well-Drained, Acidic to Neutral Soil: Goat’s Rue thrives in well-drained soil and prefers a slightly acidic to neutral pH. To create the perfect environment, consider amending your soil with organic matter or sand if it has poor drainage.
  • Full Sun to Partial Shade: Goat’s Rue does best in full sun to partial shade conditions, making it a versatile choice for various garden settings. It can adapt to different light levels, brightening up both sunny spots and areas with filtered sunlight.

About Our Seeds (Pure Live Seed – PLS)
At Pure Air Natives, we take great pride in offering only the highest quality seeds, and our Goat’s Rue seeds are no exception. We rigorously test all our harvested seeds for purity, germination, and dormancy to ensure that you receive the finest, most vibrant plants for your garden. Our commitment to quality means you can trust that the Goat’s Rue seeds you purchase will thrive and bring beauty to your outdoor space.

Bring the charm of Goat’s Rue to your garden, support local wildlife, and enhance your outdoor space’s natural beauty. Purchase our today and enjoy the wonders of this native wildflower.

Seed Details

Weight 0.025 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 × 0.1 × 2.25 in

Seed Packet

Bloom Color

Pink and Yellow

Approx Seed Count


Sun Exposure

Full Sun, Partial

Moisture Exposure



1 feet

Plant Spacing

1-3 Feet


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